单机最大功率315kW,总功率400kW,可对各种品牌及型号的液压泵、马达和阀的各个性能指标进行测试;能够在全工况下测试排量在15~ 750mL/r的液压泵、排量在0~500mL/r的液压马达、换向阀、压力阀、流量阀等各类通用阀块。
Comprehensive Testing Platform of Hydraulic System
◇Tests of hydraulic pumps on pressure limits, volumetric efficiency, start-up torque and electro-hydraulic control
◇Tests of motors on mechanical efficiency, volumetric efficiency and running-in performance
◇Tests of valves on pressure limits, leakage rate, pressure control, flow control, traffic load, communication performance and open-and- shut characteristics